When it’s time to wind down, stop by for a pint at any of the local brewpubs. The area boasts 16 microbrews with a variety of beers to satisfy even the pickiest of tastes. Most breweries have outdoor patios so make sure you bring a jacket if you tend to get a little chilly. From there, pick a cuisine…any cuisine! The local area has just about every variety of food from Chinese and Thai to American and Seafood. Check out our list of restaurants or grab our rental app to have everything at your fingertips.
View our Dining page for some recommendations of yummy local eats!
Boasting 42 miles of trails, you can lose yourself literally in this special place. Make sure you take some water and check the local maps to see which trails suits you best. There are short trails that circle the village or you can opt for a longer one that will take you winding in the hills up about the town. There are checkpoints along the trails so you know just how far you have come and how much further you have to go. If you prefer to keep it simple you can always walk around the town. Start on the famed Main St. and make your way North until you cross 1st Street. You’ll pick up the walking paths there that zig zags through the local area. Make sure to stop in at Bill’s Ice Cream for a scoop of the local favorite.